Kyle Strong [Senior Pictures] Kimberly Sisk Photography ~ Southeast Greater Detroit Portrait Photographer


[Kyle Strong]


We shot Kyle’s session on one of the rare warm sunny spring days of Michigan.

It has been hard this year getting the right conditions for a shoot.

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We met at Heritage Park in Taylor, Michigan and began walking the park looking for those special places to get the best light and shots set  up.

Kyle was quiet and reserved, with a quicksilver smile that went straight to his eyes.

His ease and even mannered temperament made the shoot go quickly.

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As we walked the park and shot images he shared His plans for the future.

His eyes lit up with anticipation as he talked about how  he was joining the the Army and would leave for basic training after graduation.

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He is eager, ready, and at ease, on his way to becoming a man.

I was very proud to have met Kyle, and make his Senior pictures for his family to commemorate his accomplishments.

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I will think of him often over the summer wondering how his next step in life becomes reality.

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